By signing this pledge, we affirm our commitment to Project Rise and the broader community effort against violence in Rochester. Together, we rise above violence and work towards a future where every individual can thrive in a safe and nurturing environment.
As a part of Project Rise, we pledge:
Non-Violence: We renounce violence in all its forms, understanding that our strength lies in our ability to resolve conflicts peacefully.
Unity: We commit to standing united against violence, supporting one another in times of hardship, and embracing our diversity as a source of strength.
Communication: We will actively engage in open and respectful communication, seeking understanding and common ground to build stronger connections within our community.
We promise to practice empathy, recognizing the struggles of others and working towards solutions that uplift and support everyone.
We will educate ourselves and our peers on the consequences of violence, striving to create awareness and promote positive alternatives.
Community Building:
We will actively participate in community-building initiatives, fostering a sense of belonging and shared responsibility for our collective well-being.
Role Modeling:
As parents, we pledge to be positive role models, demonstrating through our actions and words the values of peace, compassion, and understanding.
We will seek support when needed and offer assistance to those who may be at risk of resorting to violence, understanding that a supportive community is essential for growth and transformation.